In Russia the press are known from 10 century. They confirmed the prince's agreement. This is confirmed by the chronicles, and archaeological excavations. For example, in Novgorod in 1953, was found prints of Prince Izyaslav Vladimirovich, referring to the line 10 - 11 cc. Old print up to 15 in. were mostly drooping, ie append to the document. Later, there were printing applications, which were applied to him. For stamps used the most diverse materials - clay, metal, wax, voskomastika, wax, paper.
In Western Europe, print became an independent field of study in the late 17 century. In the 18-19 centuries. sphragistics (the science of printing) is becoming a scientific discipline. One of the first researchers of domestic sphragistics was a collector of ancient annals E. Bolkhovitinov. That he belongs to an overview of domestic sfragisticheskih monuments from ancient times up to 18. Sphragistics grew out Diplomatique, because of the sources of criticism are important sources of outward signs of stamps. For example, Bolkhovitinov analyzed charters book. Mstislav Vladimirovich and Vsevolod Mstislavovitch given in 12. Novgorod monastery Yuriev terms sphragistics and Diplomatique.
Sheet of stamps devoted attention and NM Karamzin in his "History of the Russian state." Fundamental work of AB Lakier "Russian heraldry" also contains a study on sphragistics, which focuses on the princely seals that are discussed in their relationship with money signs and aristocratic coats of arms.
Way of drawing an image embossed was known for a long time. The special signet-stamp on the still damp clay potters put their stamp. And merchants, sealing the jars with the product, put on the tube sign. So in India and Egypt. In the courts of the Russian princes even had the post of Keeper of the Seals. The ancient Sumerians were already 3500 BC used printing cylindrical shape. We can only imagine how much was a difficult process of making prints in those days.
In the Vatican archives stored on paper scrolls written charter grandson of Genghis Khan's Mongol Guyuk to Pope Innocent IV (middle of XIII century). At the end of the scroll and places gluing sheet is imprinted in red ink stamp of Khan: "God in heaven and Giiyiik Khan on earth God's courage. Seal of the Emperor of all men." As they say, the idea was in the air. Ancient history has a technology and printing the picture onto the fabric. Master engraved pattern on the tree, and then etched with the board bore the picture on the fabric. The first known case of using this technology for printing refers to the 70 th year of the XIV century. In 1898, examining the ramshackle old house in a small town Senneka in eastern France, found the plaque engraved with her picture. Board was designed for printing on fabric. On the sheet frozen people in knightly garb, alongside winds text. Discovery called Proto board on behalf of bought her book-printer Proto. This remarkable exhibit can be seen today in the city of Macon, in the printing Proto.
Run engraving even one page of text extraordinarily difficult, this work requires much patience and time. Master letter for letter does a mirror image of the future of print. One mistake - and the work of the press nazhno start again. A new way to copy the text found followers of the ancient Chinese philosopher Kong Zi (Confucius). Carved in stone Lyrics Chinese sage served as "master copy". Those who wish to carry out the Master's words with him to do so. Wet sheets of paper was applied to a stone stele and wooden hammers, presses the paper into the carved in stone line. After that, the sheet rolled with a paint roller. Sagging text remained not painted or white on black led to wisdom. Later, this method has been upgraded. The text of the ink was applied on a thin sheet of paper and immediately was applied to smooth vystrugannoy plank covered with a thick layer of rice broth. Broth absorbed ink, and the board remained a mirror image. Extra caution was removed with a knife. At the cliche applied paint and squeeze. In 868 so was printed by the holy book of Buddhism, "Diamond Sutra".
But for truly revolutionary was the idea of ??introducing a printing press - and in the early era, children were taught to read and write with the help of dice with letters - the principle set
Question of the appearance of seals in Russia at present can not be resolved due to lack of sources, but no doubt that even before the official adoption of Christianity (the end of X century.) Russian princes used the press, which portrayed the birth signs of Rurik. This is indicated by printing the eldest son of Vladimir Sviatoslavovich found in Novgorod in 953 was in ancient times, when there was not enough development of written, printed certified, not only the document's authenticity.